84 000 Trees
Here is some useful information to consider before planting a tree

How do you decide what kind of tree to plant?
- Consider your goal
- Think about the local climate
- Consider the land or space available
- Check local laws/ Do you need permission?
- Ask an expert or local gardener for advice
- Buy your tree
- Select the right tree for the time of year or season
- Dormant plantation or planting when the trees are not flowering is recommended
- Native species are recommended

How do you prep a tree for planting?
- Once you have got your tree, you need to prep it for planting. This will help ensure that you are planting the tree properly and that it will survive. The process is slightly different for a small tree vs. a large tree.
- If the tree is a sapling, turn it upside down gently to get it out of the container. If it is in burlap, wait to cut it off until you’ve planted the tree in the ground.
- If the tree is beyond the sapling stage, cut through its packaging. If it is in burlap, wait to cut it off until you’ve planted the tree in the ground.
- If there is a wire basket or wiring on your tree’s roots, remove it with wire cutters so that it doesn’t grow into the roots and kill the tree.
- Keep as much dirt around the roots as possible and don’t move it more than necessary to keep the roots from drying out.
- Don’t leave a tree’s roots out of its container or burlap for too long because this could damage or dry them out.
- If you’ve decided to plant a seed instead of an already growing tree, follow this step. Growing a tree from a seed means germinating the seed, planting it at the appropriate time and taking close care of it. This method will take longer than transplanting a tree from a container
- To get a seed to germinate, you may have to use scarification. This means that you break the seed coat and allow moisture to penetrate so that the plant embryo can begin germinating.
- Once the seeds have germinated, plant them in an individual container or a seed tray. Move the trays or contains to a brighter location that is well ventilated.
- Each type of tree has different seeds with different needs, so make sure to follow the instructions accordingly for the type of tree you are planting.
How to plant a tree?!
- Decide where you would like to plant the tree and mark the spot.
- Make sure to think about things like power lines, the trees location- so it has enough space to grow and whether the roots have enough of a surface area to spread out.
- Measure the root ball – Before you start digging the hole to plant your tree measure its root ball –this will tell you how deep you need to dig the hole! (Both the height and width of the root ball is important!)
- Remove any burlap or plastic that is around the part of the roots that is connected to the trunk!
- Using a garden trowel , remove the top layer of soil from the root ball.
- Remove only enough soil to expose the roots connected to the trunk.
Prepare a hole for tree!
(Try to avoid hurting any tiny animals or insects!)
- Using a shovel, dig the hole in which you will plant your tree. ( You want to make sure that it’s large enough to accommodate the tree’s size and give it plenty of room to grow and take root!)
- Dig a hole that is wide enough (2-3 times wider and about as deep as the root ball) – This will give the tree enough space and fresh roots to grow without stress.
- Try to dig the hole with a small “pedestal” of dirt in the center of the hole where the tree will rest. The hole should be a little deeper around the edges but there should be a pedestal of dirt in the center where the root ball sits. This pedestal prevents the root ball from sitting continuously in water. Any excess water will naturally flow to the deeper areas of the hole around the edges where the roots can drink from if needed.
- Measure the hole to see if it is wide and deep enough. If necessary, dig out more soil to reach the desired depth and width
- Add compost and mulch to the soil for extra nutrients and vitamins for your tree.
Place a tree into the hole gently!
Your tree is now ready for its new home! Carefully prepare the hole and place the tree inside (Readjust hole if necessary!)
- Using a shovel, dig the hole in which you will plant your tree. ( You want to make sure that it’s large enough to accommodate the tree’s size and give it plenty of room to grow and take root!)
- Dig a hole that is wide enough (2-3 times wider and about as deep as the root ball) – This will give the tree enough space and fresh roots to grow without stress.
- Try to dig the hole with a small “pedestal” of dirt in the center of the hole where the tree will rest. The hole should be a little deeper around the edges but there should be a pedestal of dirt in the center where the root ball sits. This pedestal prevents the root ball from sitting continuously in water. Any excess water will naturally flow to the deeper areas of the hole around the edges where the roots can drink from if needed.
- Measure the hole to see if it is wide and deep enough. If necessary, dig out more soil to reach the desired depth and width
- Add compost and mulch to the soil for extra nutrients and vitamins for your tree.
Position the tree!!
(when the tree is in the hole , pick which way you think it looks best!)
- Remove any burlap or plastic from the tree’s roots at this stage.
- Make sure you position the tree as upright as possible. How you position the tree will affect how it grows in later years for years.
- Consider using a level to measure if you’ve positioned the tree upright. You can also ask a friend or family member to see if the tree is positioned perfectly upright.
- Use stakes to help the tree grow upright if necessary.
Fill in the hole!
Using a mixture of compost and the soil you dug out , while you prepared the hole. Refill in the hole.
- Make sure you have enough soil to support the roots while giving them room to grow.
- Refill three quarters of the hole with existing dirt, one quarter with compost or composted manure as needed.
- It’s important to make sure that there are no air pockets around the roots as you refill the hole. In order to get rid of any air pockets that might be present, refill only part of the hole and then lightly pat it down with your hands or the shovel. Do this for subsequent layers.
- When tamping down refill, make sure to proceed gently and also not use your feet because you could trample the roots.
- Use some compost or composted manure, if needed. If the soil that you currently have is not rich, has clay-like qualities or has the consistency of dust or sand, the addition of manure or compost will give the tree a great start in life.
- If the compost or manure smells, it hasn’t been properly composted and shouldn’t be used because it can “burn” your tree.
- Resist the temptation to use a commercial fertilizer. It can over-boost the tree and make it “burn out” or not thrive.
- Give fruit and nut trees extra attention. Adding manure or compost is essential if you are planting a fruit or nut tree.
Stake the tree if necessary
(If your tree is still a sapling, use a stake to help it grow for about the first year of its life This will keep the tree from blowing over in the wind and allow the roots to become established so it grows up healthy and strong!)
- Make sure the stakes you are tied loosely to the trunk. Do not dig into the bark or tighten around the trunk.
- Remove the stakes once the roots have a chance to become established, after about a year.
- Larger trees may need two or three stakes.

How to care for your tree?
- (Once the tree is planted, water it and try to keep up a regular schedule of watering. This will help the roots become established in the surrounding soil.)
- Water the tree every day for several weeks to let the roots get established. After this, you can reduce the frequency of watering.
- Water as necessary for the conditions in your area. Take into consideration humidity, rainfall, and sunshine to help you decide when to water your tree.
- If you are planting fruit or nut trees for a small home orchard, continue to water weekly for the life of the tree, as your crop depends on consistent irrigation. You’ll also want to fertilize fruit and nut trees monthly, or according to directions.
- Use mulch – Considering adding a layer of mulch around your tree to help keep moisture in and weeds out.
- Cover the planting hole with 1-3 inches (2.5 cm – 7.6 cm) of shredded hardwood or leaf mulch. Keep the mulch at least 12 inches away from the trunk or it may cause the trunk to rot.
- Mulching around the tree will protect the tree from trampling and lawnmowers, which are two activities that commonly kill young trees.
- Prune the tree if necessary.If there are any broken, dead, or diseased limbs on your tree, remove them gently with a knife or gardening shears. If there is nothing wrong with the tree, there is no need to prune it until after the first growing season.

Enjoy the tree as it grows over the years
Appreciate its shade and beauty and thank yourself for adding another tree to the world. You won’t regret it and as long as you properly care for it, the tree can grow a long time!
- You’ll need to make sure that you water your plant to keep it thriving. You want to achieve a balance of giving it enough water to penetrate the roots while not drowning it.
- Watering your tree with a steady stream from a garden hose for about 30 seconds should be sufficient. The soil should feel moist at all times and mulch will help retain the moisture.
- Check soil moisture by digging about 2” below the surface and then use your finger to test if soil is moist. If it is, you don’t need to water.

Adapted from wikihow ( How to plant a tree – co authored by Kris Jensen)