The Spirit of Nalanda Continues…
Deer Park Institute is a centre for the study of classical Indian wisdom traditions. Established in March 2006 on the campus of a former Buddhist monastic institute, it is a project under Siddhartha’s Intent Society.
Our core vision…
To re-create the spirit of Nalanda, the great university of ancient India in which all traditions of Buddhism were studied and practiced, alongside other schools of classical Indian philosophy, arts and sciences.
Deer Park Inst. conducts annually 30-40 courses in areas of Buddhist Philosophy, Meditation, Vedanta, Yoga, Culture and Arts. The courses are open to all.

Celebrate Buddha’s Life
Initiated at the request of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Siddhartha Festival took place for the first time in November 2016, in Bodhgaya, India. It celebrates the Buddha’s life and teachings at the place where the Buddha attained enlightenment, under the Bodhi Tree. Inviting Indians to reconnect with their rich heritage of the wisdom and teachings of the Buddha, the Siddhartha Festival also hopes to inspire people worldwide.
The Siddhartha Festival is a collaboration of Siddhartha’s Intent, Deer Park Institute, Khyentse Foundation, World Centre for Creative Learning Foundation and Antara Senior Living.

Study and Practise of Ancient Indian Wisdom Traditions
Buddha Pada, a new collaborative center-space of Siddhartha’s Intent India, is inspired by the tradition of the three rays, or “Ozers”—Longchenpa, Trenpo Sherab Ozer, and Jigme Lingpa. The center is under the guidance of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche and Nyichang Khentrül Rinpoche.

Lighting the Mahabodhi
Sustainable Lighting System…
Offering of Aloke, or light, is one of the most fundamental practices in the Buddhadharma symbolizing clarity, insight and wisdom. Inspired by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Lighting the Mahabodhi aims to make one of the largest and most lasting light offerings in the history of this World Heritage site by vastly improving the lighting of the existing Mahabodhi complex.
Situated in Bodhgaya, the Mahabodhi Mahavihara is the site where Shakyamuni Siddhartha Gautama found answers to the reality of samsara and the suffering of sentient beings, and discovered the path to liberation.Since then, the Mahabodhi has been a sacred pilgrimage site, inviting millions of people on spiritual quests from all corners of the world.
An offering and project, to design and install an outstanding, sustainable lighting system of the highest quality in the entire Mahabodhi complex.
An initiative of Siddhartha’s Intent India in partnership with Khyentse Foundation.

Bodhi Bhajan
Bodhi Bhajan Project…
The Bodhi Bhajan Project is an initiative to revive the Nalanda Tradition in India, by promoting sanskrit liturgy, sutras and shastras set to Indian classical music. The project is inspired and initiated with the blessings of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. Produced by WCCL Foundation and SI India this project showcases Indian Buddhist heritage in poetry and music. Shantideva’s text – Bodhicharyavatara, Saraha’s Vajra Geeti and Dohas in hindi, Chanting names of Manjushri, and Heart Sutra are some of the tracks being offered.

Dharma Nada Dhi
Two CDs and a beautiful 36 page booklet…
This is a non-commercial album produced by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. It contains 2 CDs and a beautiful 36 page booklet with sutras and mantras in Roman and Devanagri script. All the proceeds from this album go to support studies of Buddhism, classical Indian philosophies and culture, organized by Siddhartha’s Intent India Society and Deer Park Institute in India.
CD 1
Track 1. Chanting the Names of Manjusri – Chapter 10
Track 2. Homage to Five Tathagathas
Track 3. Bodhicaryavatara Chapter 2, Offering
Track 4. Interdependence – Nagarjuna’s Karika
Track 5. The Heart Sutra
Track 6. Recollection of the Three Jewels
CD 2
Track 7. In praise of Saraswati
Track 8. Homage to Twenty One Taras
Track 9. Praise to Mahadeva – Lord of the Three worlds and Protector of the Dharma
Track 10. Homage to the Supreme Reality – Nagarjuna
Track 11. Selected verses of Bodhicaryavatara
Track 12. Mantras: Buddha Shakyamuni – Avalokiteshvara – Mañjushri – Vajrapani – Tara – Ushnisha
“The collection of these chants creates an atmosphere of devotion – timeless, limitless – that can elevate the spirit if not liberate through hearing. After so many recordings of mantras in foreign languages like Tibetan and Chinese at last we hear them in their mother tongue. Even the pronunciation of the word Buddha is transformed into something so beautiful. Perhaps this is how we should all chant.”
– Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
We will post this album to you from India.
For more information on our work please email us at info@deerpark.in